Contact email: terri @
My Story

I’ve been told I am a force of nature, Mary Sunshine, totally Yin with no Yang, and this means I laugh lots, whine occasionally and am always trying to figure out “the meaning of life.” Writing and reading are a main focus in my life but I also enjoy movies, live theater, kayaking, cycling, cooking, and gardening. I’m a great spectator at sporting competitions.
My husband and our four daughters have brought country living, dogs, a horse, bunny, cats and mole-dirt-mountains into my daily life. He’s also a private pilot and introduced me to a variety of airplanes, motorcycles and power watercraft.
My professional life transitioned with each birth and move from a bookkeeper to office manager, tech writer and recently, business consultant. There were a few years of working in home health care, geriatrics and hospice. I even attended some college classes with my youngest daughter.
Life is an adventure, I’ve chosen to take that journey.
I am member of Rose City Romance Writers and Romance Writers of America