
A Memoir of My Parents’ Incredible Marriage

by Therese Patrick

The ultimate love story took place in Cleveland, Ohio for over 46 years.  During my life, I got to see it –  more up close and personal – than the hundreds that learned about hope and commitment from my parents’ 57 years of marriage.

Mom was paralyzed from polio at the age of 31, regaining only partial use of her right arm.  That was when she became “A Sittin’ Mommy” and continued to raise her five children and run her home as a quadriplegic.  Even in retirement Dad considered Mom’s daily care as worth it, to have her as the primary joy, in his life.

Cherish frames their years, events and days.  My objective in sharing is to give you the chance to enjoy your life more and get a peek at two very human saints.  My mom and dad had a marriage that was so supportive and adorable I’d almost welcome total paralysis to feel it for a moment.  But they also raised me not to be stupid; any morning I can roll out of bed, stand up and walk is a good day.

To some, the idea of living life as a quadriplegic in a wheelchair is as close to a death sentence as one can get, but to my parents, it was just another bump in the road.  This memoir is indeed a real life horror story, but is infused with hope and humor. This story will speak not only to Catholics, but to anyone who believes in everyday heroes (Thanks, Dad!), miracles, the strength of family and most of all, true love.

Mom and Dad lived with joy, no matter what, so even if events of my parents’ life together seem to be examples of keeping your glass half-full while it’s being continually dumped out, they always had a reserve of love that instantly refilled their “cup” to again “runneth over with the abundance of grace.” 

It is a continuing journey to hold true to what I know is possible.